Manual Testing 2021
It is always interesting to review the need and usage of manual testing for the year. We hear a lot about automating testing from vendors and management. But there is still a lot of new projects coming along with requirements and designs in flux and no clear idea of how long the software will last or how often testing will be required (which are the major drivers of the ROI for automation). The amount of change is also a factor for testing and how much automation is cost effective. So we end up requesting a lot of Manual testing to cover the current release with no thought of automation until ‘things have settled down’. By the time ‘things have settled down’ the software is installed and the next project is on its way. Going back is not an option.
What do we do?
- The recommendation is to keep good records of what was tested and how it was tested in a management tool and use that to inform your testing decisions the next time the software needs upgrading.
- Don’t depend on memory for how it went last time!
One thing not to forget is to note the Lessons Learned from the process. Don’t let the rush of the project prevent you from making some notes as to what went wrong and what could be improved for next time. Otherwise the same situation will repeat itself.
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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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