Process Not (just) Standards

Many consultants will provide the Standards (what needs to be done) but not the process to be followed. People have their list or toolbox of of standards that they apply in every engagement. At the end a report is provided saying what standards need to be achieved but rarely is a process road map provided… Continue reading Process Not (just) Standards

Know the Need(s) Before

Recently we found ourselves unexpectedly with a group of people who had been told what they needed without being asked what the fundamental problem was or how it could be solved. No needs assessment had occurred. Instead a quick solution had been sold to them and we had been asked to deliver it on behalf… Continue reading Know the Need(s) Before

Inventory the Processes First

One of the concerns with Process Improvement is the tendency to throw out all the old processes and start anew as if nothing had ever existed. This is an understandable reaction if the existing processes have never been organised, recorded, and classified. The problem is compounded if they are scattered throughout the organisation, exist only… Continue reading Inventory the Processes First

Count the 'Bouncebacks'

“Bouncebacks’ is not a technical term in common use. In our usage here we are counting the number of times a defect (or issue) bounces back and forth between tester and developer (or other personnel). It is common for a defect to have a count of at least 2 and maybe 4 if some clarification… Continue reading Count the 'Bouncebacks'

Demographic (testing) Dividend

The demographic dividend occurs when fertility rates drop; and and a bulge of people move through the society creating a reduced dependency ratio. A definition can be found at You might ask what impact this has on testing. Several countries (in the world) are currently experiencing a demographic dividend right now. Some are just… Continue reading Demographic (testing) Dividend

More People is the Answer

No it is not the answer.  The amount of testing we can do will always outrun the number of people who can do it.  There is always more testing that one can add to try and assure that less defects are in the system.  However, that will only take you so far.  Inserting less defects… Continue reading More People is the Answer

Oracular Testing

If we refer to the dictionary definition of Oracle we find a couple of possible definitions that could be applied to the use made by most people of this term although a couple might lead to some questions. One which raises a couple of questions is an ambiguous or obscure utterance – not what we… Continue reading Oracular Testing

Faster Testing

We are hearing a lot (again) about Testing faster as if this is the answer to continuing increase in the volume of testing that needs to be competed to ensure system stability. However, the growth of systems will inevitably exceed the ability of people to test them and all their interconnections. There are ways around… Continue reading Faster Testing