Selecting Software to run your business – 3

Implementation is by far the most interesting and challenging part of Selecting Software to run your business. This is where the details become major problems and resistance to change can derail the entire project.

It is crucial to do the following:

  1. Get everyone on side.
  2. Get a champion (or champions).
  3. Anticipate the issues.
  4. Address the issues (before they become problems).
  5. Start small (if possible).
  6. Demonstrate successes.
  7. Roll out to the entire company

Many solution packages look simple on the outside but turn out to be complex to implement and maintain. Others have hidden depths you will never use while others will disappoint you. The selection process is crucial to anticipate some of these issues and make provisions to address them.

No matter what package is selected or what deployment process is used; at some point the implementation must go ahead or else it will never occur.

A study from some years ago provided the following figures for software that was purchased to be implemented:

  1. Software Delivered but never successfully used – 47% of the total.
  2. Software paid for but not delivered – 29% of the total.
  3. Software used but extensively reworked or later abandoned – 19% of the total.
  4. Software that could be used after changes – 3% of the total.
  5. Software that could be used as delivered – 2% of the total.

Implementations have to fall into that 2% to be fully succesful and within the 5% to be partially sucessful. These are not high odds and to be successful requires a correct deployment process throughout the organisation.

If you have concerns about any of the three stages (Stage 1 and Stage 2 were described in earlier blogs) of acquiring and implementing software – call us at 1-800-811-4718 or contact us.

We are here to help.


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