Staying In – Part n+9 What is QA?

One of the problems QA people have is explaining Software Quality Assurance to IT or to the business. 

Some people will talk about Software Testing.  Others will refer to Test Automation.  Still others will refer to Process Improvement.  Some will start down the path of Types or Phases of testing and explain all those terms.  Test Strategies and Test Plans will start to fill the room.  Test Cases, Actual Results, and Expected Results will proliferate until the explosion occurs.  Finally there will be references to that elusive animal: The software bug.

For people in IT, these references may mean something.  For people not in IT, the eyes start to glaze over very quickly. 

We are left with the question of what do you do and how does it benefit me plus a request to put it in business terms.   

If you have been in this position of knowing what you do and just how much time it takes and how much it all costs, this question can be frustrating or annoying.  Many people feel they could have dealt with a dozen test cases while trying to explain it.

Eventually, the Software Quality Analyst despairs of making the user understand and asks for them to just leave them to get on with their work.  This never works!

The business may leave for a while, but they always will come back with the same question and they will start to regard the Software Quality Assurance department as a Cost Centre.  That is also not good.

If you have been in this position contact us to watch a short powerpoint presentation that puts the above into Business Terms.

If you have input on the above, you might want to consider our survey.

Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash


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