Quality Assurance Supports Verification

Quality Assurance supports verification for a number of reasons not least of which is the potential for cost savings for you! The key is to know where to apply the appropriate level of verification. It is quite possible to verify too many items and lose the benefits of reduced rework since it is all used… Continue reading Quality Assurance Supports Verification

Verification Applicability in Software Testing

Last week we introduced the concept of verification and defined it. This week we want to discuss verification applicability. Many people agree that verification should be done but come to a halt when deciding where they can apply it and the degree of formality that should be used. Verification really covers everything that can be… Continue reading Verification Applicability in Software Testing

Examples of Verification in Software Testing

In our last blog post, we included a list of Examples of Verification without going into too much detail. In this blog we will take a couple of those verification list items and expand on them. The examples of verification that most tend to impact software testers with the best return are Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Data… Continue reading Examples of Verification in Software Testing