We are hearing a lot (again) about Testing faster as if this is the answer to continuing increase in the volume of testing that needs to be competed to ensure system stability. However, the growth of systems will inevitably exceed the ability of people to test them and all their interconnections. There are ways around this by testing smarter and considering the impact of the software. However, first we will consider the other fallacies that have been mooted as solutions.
Payment Fail
Attempted to order a couple of firewood racks online from a major home building supplier a couple of nights ago. Exactly what we wanted, and home delivery would be included. Everything was progressing well until it was payment time. Not matter how much I tried, I could not get the payment to go through. It kept saying an object was in an incorrect state and to refresh the page. Each time I refreshed the page my order was increased by the original amount. So instead of getting 2 racks, now I was ordering 4 and then 6. I deleted the extras and tried to force payment through again, then tried on a different browser and then on a different machine all with the same result. Something tells me that my account is now permanently in an anomalous state!
Another Apology Letter From a Major Utility
Last year we received several bills containing errors from a major utility. A year later we received an apology letter ‘This is not the level of service you expect ‘ and promises to do better. Two days later another bill with an error and contradictory statements about when it will be automatically withdrawn.
New Website
NVP Software Solutions invites you to view their new website and review the new exciting services now on offer.