Category: Design

  • Get Report Mockups Early

    Get Report Mockups Early

    A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned how a knowledge of report requirements early in the project would help ensure that the data existed and could be accessed.  That does not solve the problem of ensuring that the reports are tested and correct.   Report testing is usually late in the cycle and is squeezed for time.  However, reports are critical for information and business decision making and can make or break a company.  It is crucial that the reports be tested for not only appearance but for correctness.  This can be very difficult if the data has been gathered in a different way.

    Lessons Learned:  Report testing cannot be entirely left to the end.

  • Too Many Disparate Pieces of Software (What Happens When One Fails or Goes Out of Business)

    Too Many Disparate Pieces of Software (What Happens When One Fails or Goes Out of Business)

    An assessment of an existing and successful system showed a lot of disparate pieces of software hooked together in various ways.  An inability to properly define and build effective QA environments for testing meant that some testing was not done and taken on faith that it worked or was tested in production (and fixed).  No API testing was completed so any failure of any piece of the solution had immediate repercussions throughout the product and had to be fixed on the fly.

    Lessons Learned:  A proper environment and knowledge and testing of the APIs would have solved a lot of the issues that showed in production.