Category: Reporting

  • Process for a Quality Assessment – Step 7

    Process for a Quality Assessment – Step 7

    Complete the Assessment

    Build the report making sure to emphasize the critical points first and providing the supporting information in the appendices. Redacted report formats are available from NVP if you need it. Please contact us.

  • Get a Consistent Reporting Format

    Get a Consistent Reporting Format

    Reporting results is one of the bigger aspects of testing that is often overlooked in the beginning of a project.  The initial efforts are aimed at getting the testing environment established and the test cases written and approved.  Then the launch into testing occupies a lot of time ironing out the minor irritants to test execution.  At that point the request for reports comes up and the test lead is frequently left scrambling for data to report what is requested.  Failure to anticipate the reporting requirements can lead to a lot of manual work.

    Lessons Learned:  A few hours defining results reporting formats can save hours later in the project.

  • Get Report Mockups Early

    Get Report Mockups Early

    A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned how a knowledge of report requirements early in the project would help ensure that the data existed and could be accessed.  That does not solve the problem of ensuring that the reports are tested and correct.   Report testing is usually late in the cycle and is squeezed for time.  However, reports are critical for information and business decision making and can make or break a company.  It is crucial that the reports be tested for not only appearance but for correctness.  This can be very difficult if the data has been gathered in a different way.

    Lessons Learned:  Report testing cannot be entirely left to the end.

  • The Importance of Knowing Report Requirements

    The Importance of Knowing Report Requirements

    Frequently reports do not come up before the end of project and obviously if the product does not work , then reporting on the results or activity will have little value until the data is correct.  However, that does not preclude confirming early in the cycle that the required information is available and in a format that will allow the reports to be formatted and populated reasonably easily.  A list of the existing reports (in the case of a product upgrade or a conversion) can be checked early in the project to ensure that the data is available in the new or upgraded product.

    Lessons Learned:  Make sure a list of the required data is available at the commencement of the project.